Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My daughter is a 6th grader.

Blessings abound.

A new international school has opened in our city and not only is it international-taught in English (there are others taught in other languages such as German, Korean, etc), but Bible is a core subject as well.

Although I have been thankful for the time homeschooling, it has been more difficult in the last few years with my social butterfly. She and I have struggled. The hubs and I have prayed for another option, namely a quality international school, where our oldest princess could get more out of her education, but have been content with this time in our lives knowing it will come to an end all too soon.

Today is that day.

My mother's heart, and teacher's heart want to believe that I can be all to her, but I cannot. I know some who are and do it well. I think there are those who homeschool because it is the best option for them, those who feel called and passionate about it, those who do it for various reasons but would not if there were better options. No matter what reason, I believe that as parents we all want what is best for our kids. I hate to admit it, but I, alone, am not best for my daughter. She needs other people to pour into her as well. Somehow when someone else says things I have been telling her, then all of a sudden, I'm not so dumb. :)

Anyway, this particular school is run by people who are established. This is their third school to open in this country. Right now the enrollment is low, but I have faith it will grow exponentially. There is such a need. The expatriate community around here is really growing.

Her class is 5th and 6th grade combined. She already knows three of her classmates, and others going to this school.

We met her teacher back in May at an open house and my Princess went armed with a LIST! of questions. She got most of them answered and was pleased, hence the beginning of anticipation. She has been looking forward to this day for so long. She and I did a little school clothes and supply shopping on Saturday and had a great time together. In the future, uniforms will be required, but first thing first. So, after planning out her wardrobe for the week, gathering her school supplies, and creating her teacher gift...she finally said (from the other room), "I'm a little nervous."

Bless her heart. I have been her teacher for grades 1-5. She had a wonderful Kindergarten teacher who is now the principal at that school. She doesn't have much to go on, since she doesn't even remember Kindergarten, just her teacher! She doesn't know it, but she'll be fine. I know it. I prayed for this, but even more than that, her Heavenly Father has plans for her way beyond what I could ask or imagine. She's going to be fine. More than fine.

As a matter of fact, she should be getting out of school in 30 minutes and home within the hour. I can't wait to hear all about it. She took the camera. Hopefully, she remembered to take pictures that I can post later.

Keep praying for her and for her school to grow. As long as we live here, she could go there, if all goes well. It's not far from our house...a 20-30 minute taxi ride. She gets picked up by a school bus (hired by the school with a teacher on board) right at our gate and dropped off at the same.

As I walked her to the bus this morning, in the unusually cool weather, put her on and walked back...I was overwhelmed with the goodness of our God. So many reasons why.

1 comment:

PandaMom said...

It never occurred to me that she hasn't been in a structured school setting since kindergarten!! Sweet girl. Made me a little sad for her being nervous, but then it makes total sense!! You're right, she will be fine and we all know it. Hopefully she'll feel great about the first day and won't be able to contain herself to get to the next! You're a GREAT mom and teacher!!!