Saturday, August 11, 2012

Adoption Update


This is the day for court isn't going to happen today. The gist is that the meeting is once a gain rescheduled and we are waiting.

This particular bump is new to our adoption company, meaning it has never happened to them before. They are unsure how it will play out.

Our new date, hasn't been confirmed but we are hoping it will, is August 15th. The reality is the Embassy said it could be as late as September 6. We just don't know.

What we DO KNOW is this:
1. God is still on the throne.
2. The enemy wants to steal our joy in this waiting  time.
3. God was watching and caring for these little girls LONG before we were ever in the picture. He knows His plans. He's trustworthy.
4. Nothing in our lives is a surprise to Him.
5. He is still in the business of making us into his image, so THIS is part of that process.
6. The girls' bag is packed and ready to go the minute we get word that we can.

We'll keep the blog updated as we know new stuff.

We are asking Father for his favor in this situation, but we will accept what comes from His hand. :)

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