Friday, March 04, 2011

Home Sweet Home.

It was wonderful to go to the home school conference and be with other families like ours, but it was exhausting as well. The Princess played HARD every day. She would fall into bed at night and hardly move all night. In the morning, her body ached from playing so hard and using muscles she forgot she had. It was a great time for her.

The weather was hot and that is definitely a nice change from where we are. Although we don't live in the coldest part of this is still cold. Up north, they have heat inside their buildings. We don't. We have adjusted, mostly. But after a week in the heat, we're back to cold. Not much longer. Spring is on the horizon.

I have pics to post still from vacation. They'll be coming later on.

Just wanted you to know we're back home. :)

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