Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Prince"ly pics in random order

Playing pool at the Mexican food restaurant.
Patiently accepting love from his 'lil 'sis who is interrupting his game (notice the ipod in his hand. LOL.)
The winds were high the first few days and the temps not too hot, so getting out of the pool was a bit chilly. That's the Princess covered up, the King reading a book, and the Prince being silly, of course.
I looked up from beach side and saw him on the rocks looking all contemplative.
I quickly snapped the pic.
When he came back, I mentioned that I took his picture and he told me (the twirp!) that he knew I would so he was posing. LOL.
Driving Miss Dais...oops...driving Dad, who had an injured hand and couldn't grip the handle bars. Old and decrepit begins...now. JK, love.

Traveling into town, the Prince played games on his ipod (surprise) and the Princess was content to snuggle up and watch. *smile*
Where ever he was...she was...unless it was with the Grandparents.
Starbucks was the meeting place to take the shuttle from town back to the resort. After a hot day of shopping and going separate ways...I got a hug. The Prince doesn't hug halfheartedly. He climbs on! LOL.
He loved the motor bikes!
He hated the helmet.
But if wearing the helmet means he could drive the motorbike
...bring it on.
On the way to the resort...I held the camera over my head and snapped...lucky shot. His shirt says, "Your Losing Streak Begins Now." LOL. SOOOO him.
Self portrait with the required straight face.

Playing with the ipod...still.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Love the pics!