Monday, November 15, 2010

A funny...

We were reading (listening to) the NIV for devo one night and we were in the latter parts Exodus where God is giving the law to Moses about how to treat foreigners. You should know that we use the computer and when we want to emphasize something or clarify we just push the space bar to "pause" the reading. Likewise, when The Princess has a question or something she's not sure of she reaches over and "pauses" the reading. As parents, we really like that. Anyway, back to Exodus. The NIV uses the word alien for foreigner. As soon as we heard the word, we knew there might be a question and sure enough we watched this little hand reach out and press "pause" She looked up with a truly puzzled look on her face and said, "What?" It was funny. Maybe you had to be there, but I think you can imagine. Being as we are foreigners currently, she had to work that word out in her brain...are we aliens? Some would say, yes! LOL.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What a great resource for yall to use as a family!