Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Along the journey...

If I didn't KNOW that we are supposed to be in this place at this time in our lives...

If I wasn't CONFIDENT that the One who guides me daily has led me here...

If I didn't COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND what it means to be in the center of God's will...

If I was tempted to FORGET that I have an enemy seeking to devour me...

then all the trouble we have been going through...all the RED TAPE to get a simple visa would SEND ME HOME. That is, if I thought I wasn't SUPPOSED to be here. It's enough to drive you CRAZY!!!

Anyway. Now, I feel better.

I've heard stories from people living in other countries about how much time it takes to do the paperwork to live in a foreign country. When we first came, we had help and it wasn't too bad...but this time...we were on our own. And, no matter how much of a foreign language you think you's not enough. It seems that the vocabulary you learn in class is the grammatically correct way to speak...but no one you ever talk to uses those words. Although, they can understand don't know the synonyms they use and you can't understand them.

It's crazy...but we're almost through the process for another year. And I'm SOOO ready.

One week from tomorrow...we leave to take the might not hear much from me between now and then...

then might. I never know. LOL.


Ashley said...

Praying you through, friend!

Love you!!

PandaMom said...

"Dad told me to tell you to...." Guess that old line still doesn't hold any water, huh? LOL!! You know I'd tell you you to come home in a heartbeat, but I, too KNOW y'all are doing what you are supposed to and where you are supposed to. Love you much. ; )

Anonymous said...

Lifting you up!
Love you-