Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Golf Lessons...

These pictures are from the King's camera phone. I have been waiting patiently for him to download them for some time. These are from October when we visited the boarding school. There was a driving range not far from where we stayed. Fun was had by all.
I love the pic of the King reaching around the Prince (barely) with his chin on the Prince's shoulder to show him the stance and grip he needed. It made me painfully aware that my little boy is no longer little, but is almost a man. Sigh. The picture I DON'T have is the one where the Prince swung with all his might and let the club go flying through the air about 70 yards. The look on his face was priceless. He turned around all wide-eyed with the look that said, "OOPS!-I didn't mean to do that!-Did you saw (Because I'm rolling on the floor!)-What do I do now!?" I would pay money to see that again! HILARIOUS!!

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