Friday, January 01, 2010


Took a little trip to send the inlaws back home. We are home now, tons of pics to share...coming.

Thanks for checking on us...


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about getting a blog since we are moving and people will want to see the kids. You will have to tell me how to do it.
Can't wait to see all the pics.
Wishing you and your family a very joyful new year! We love and miss all of you.

Sheila Hughes said...

Saw Gdad in Walmart yesterday - GMudda sent him on a shopping trip, no groceries in the pantry!!!! Talked with GMudda this afternoon. She is just now getting her days and nights right, but still moving in slow motion!
I'm so glad they got to spend time with ya'll - it did their hearts good. Praying for you daily.

Moonshine and Pattiricia said...

WE r letin you know we are now great grandparents!! Ashly, Rene's daughter, had an 8 lb boy the 13th. His name is Aiden.Rene's a Grandma! Neal and his wife are expecting their girl, London, in late Jan. or early Feb.Reagan has 9 yr old Ashtyn, 17 mth.Kennedy, and 5 month old Ethan Roy. So in March we'll have 4 babies under two!!! God is good! They are precious.Did you ever get our 1st care pkg we mailed you? Just wondered!!

Ashley said...

Eagerly waiting ... :)