Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessed. Thankful. Content. Unworthy. Covered in Grace...
Today we are having a turkey and dressing dinner...and we're very excited about it. Do you take it for granted? We did. Now we are SO looking forward to it.

I've been counting my blessings today. Most bring smiles to my face...some bring tears. Can you understand that? When you are thankful for something or someone and it makes you cry? Well, I'm a crier. Like it or not. Happy tears. Sad tears. I've cried them both today, but with a thankful heart.

Take time today (or tomorrow for some of you) to really think about what you have...and truly give thanks and then look around you and see where you can be a blessing.

This Thanksgiving I'm missing my family, but I am thankful that they are alive because some who are dear to me are facing their first Thanksgiving without their loved one. I can skype. :) So, as you are counting your blessings, be sure to look around you at those who may be struggling and pour some love on them.

I'm loving you today. I hope you know it. Happy day. Be blessed.


Ashley said...

You are so loved!

Anonymous said...

Friend I lifted you up today. I know it could not be easy. I love you and count you and your family in my blessings. You are God's way of making my life sweeter! I love you to the moon and back. You are always missed.