Thursday, April 23, 2009

A scrapbooking moment...

This member of our family was given to us by Pandamom when they adopted their daughter. Both girls have one. The Princess LOVES her giraffe. And BOTH princesses have an affinity for giraffes.

We named this one Sesil (Cecil, to some), because of the tag and company name. However, when the Princess got old enough to know the difference in genders, she quickly informed us that her giraffe was female.

We had created a problem by giving her giraffe a male name...well, we remedied that by calling her Sesilia.

Sesilia goes with us everywhere we go and especially on overnight trips. During a short overnight trip about a month ago, the Princess was bathed and snuggling into her bed, and reading a book with Sesil snuggled up to her. It looked as if Sesil was reading over her shoulder...I had to snap the shot.

(A sidenote to Pandamom....thanks for making me start's the form of scrapbooking for me. I love to scrapbook and cannot do it where I am. So, this allows me to treasure a single moment with the thoughts [journaling that never got put in the scrapbook] that are in my heart at that moment. And still let others see...)

MKRH....are you happy now?

1 comment:

PandaMom said...

Awwwwwwwe! That is soooo cute! I LOVE that she still loves it!

BTW: about your last post??? Yep, covet, envy, jealous and green-eyed monster. Pretty much sums it up. How's that for spiritual? ; )