Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Ok. Let' see if I can tell this in a way that does it justice.

Remember the password post a few days ago?

Well...the Princess had a buddy over today and they were camped out on her super high bed playing Dora games on my computer. They got up to do something and by the time they got back, my computer had hibernated which requires a password to get back to where you were. Well, the King went to check on them and this is what he saw and heard:

A blonde head next to a black head whispering, "How do you spell 'Nunya'?"
"I think it's N-U-N...but what comes next?"

ROTFLOL. We have giggled over that ALL DAY LONG!!!


Terri said...

That is just too funny! We were laughing over the other post at CiCi's after the Children's Ministry Day! Too funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Thanks for the laugh today.

Ashley said...

Too funny!! :)

GloryandGrace said...

Happy birthday to the coolest Dudemen ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the King and Prince!!!!!! We love all of you.
-The Flea Family

Stef said...

This is so funny! How many times did my parents tell me Nunya!!!!