The Princess was watching me log into my computer and asked me what my password was. I told her, "It's private...that's why I have one." She kept I asked her if she could keep a secret...(What little girl can't!? LOL). She answered enthusiastically, "Yes!" So...I told her my password is "Nunya" (those of you with siblings got it right away, huh? When I was younger and I wanted to know brothers said the answer was...yep, in "Nunya business" or for those of you who don't speak slang..."None of your business"). Well...the Princess hasn't heard that before, so she was thrilled to be in the "KNOW"...but like most little girls she couldn't keep the secret for long. She told her dad that she knew my password, and Dad, not believing that she did, asked her what it was..."Can you keep a secret?" she asked. Of course. Mom's password is "Nunya." Dad responded with, "Imagine that. That's my password, too." We've laughed about it many times...but not in her presence because that would spoil it. It reminds me of a little boy who used to sing, "I don't have a clue!" until he heard people laughing and realized that whatever a "clue" was...he should have one!
By the way...she lost another tooth...7 total.
That is HILARIOUS!!! K and I had a good laugh about that one! :)
tooooo cute!!!!!!!!!
Too funny!! My sister told me that one too. My girl loves seeing the pics of the pricess. She has one loose tooth and if she looses it she will have lost 3. I think her teeth are cemented in; everyone else is loosing teeth left and right. Love to all!
That's GREAT!!! LOL! ; )
Didn't you just LOVE that Mercy Me song? I just can't help but tear up when I hear it. Beautiful.
We need to talk on the phone. I want to chat about all the things I sent you. ; ) Maybe---Mon. night??
PG is getting dunked this Sun., egg hunt Sat. and in-laws all weekend. Monday will do better.
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