Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Can I say?

Ok. I know I promised to blog every care package we recieved...but I didn't know we'd get so many at one time. It seems Prideful...maybe you'll realize that three family members have birthdays one month apart and many people love us. It's truly quite humbling. The group of ladies that sent this do not do ANYTHING halfway. (The handwritten note from you (JG) made me remember when you gave me an audible "thank you" you remember? I don't think I'll ever forget. It made me smile.) We asked for chocolate chips....we GOT chocolate chips!!!! We've already had chocolate chip pancakes and are looking forward to CChip cookies!!!

The bounty!!!! (Practically covers my table)

This is definitely the time of year to mail chocolate!!!! Nothing melted.

Books, movie, P&W CD, daily devos, CUTE emory board, baking tins, the Prince yelled, "It's a GLORIOUS day!" when he saw all the Butterfingers. Hilarious.

Love you ladies!!

1 comment:

Lena said...

*Gasp! Milk Duds are my favorite!!!