Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My mom ROCKS!!!

I just want you all to know what a wonderful, terrific, fantastic, unbelievable, ENCOURAGING mom I have!...and that I miss her tremendously!

Mom, you'll never know what it means to me that you support me (us) through the struggle. I miss you and never get to talk to you enough. Though the distance be great, the love multiplies! CHY! What is that old saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder..."? I need a shopping buddy. I wish you could get on a plane like the old days and show up a few hours later to surprise me! Not quite so easy anymore. Love to Dad!

1 comment:

GloryandGrace said...

What a simple and sweet shout out to your mom :) Thanks for sharing, and I too am so thankful for ALL of my moms - you included :)