Wednesday, February 04, 2009


We are gearing up to head back home. One more day of conference (which has been so good). We begin traveling on Feb.6th and will be home late on the 8th. We are doing great! As a matter of fact...we are missing HOME....yes, you read that right. Home. Do you remember a post of mine back in September about a time of "personal retreat"? Well, we feel so rested and refreshed (even though we have been going and going!) that we can't wait to be back home. It's been wonderful!

My precious hubby even bought me a new CAMERA!!! while we were out of country with directions in ENGLISH. When you get a new electronic device....I hope you'll never again take for granted the directions that come with it in English. I just got it yesterday and have yet to read all the info, but I can't wait. Thanks for stopping by and for lifting us up. We love you and are so thankful that you are in our lives.

Much to tell in due time...


Anonymous said...

yarping my dear.

Anonymous said...

Praise Dad from whom all blessings flow!
"Before they call I will answer."
Isaiah 65:24

Anonymous said...

Missing you so much! Can't wait to hear what's been happening with you all. Show us some pictures with that new camera! Love you tons!

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the candy funderstorm it was awesome hope to here from you soon your favorite student sarah

Terri said...

I am so glad you had a good time. Safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

I love love love love love love love YOU! Just thought you should be reminded! :)